Service Aims

Our hope is that Christian volunteers, regardless of brothers, sisters and rehabilitated members of the church will become ministry partners to share the vision of the Kun Sun Association and help to fulfill its mission. In this way we promote the participation of brothers and sisters in urban missions and build up the self-confidence and integration of rehabilitated persons. Through our lives we also influence the lives of prisoners and rehabilitated persons.

Service Scopes

We work with the Correctional Services Department, the Social Welfare Department and the Immigration Department to enter into correctional institutions and juvenile homes and provide diversified services to inmates of different ages and gender.

  1. Religious & Bible Classes

Our prison volunteer teams regularly participate in religious classes, leading worship, games, Bible teaching, testimony sharing, preaching and helping inmates find their calling etc., volunteers share and care for prisoners helping them to deal with heart matters.

  1. Evangelistic Meetings

Churches and various fellowships have participated in the festive evangelistic meetings to bring the message of Easter and Christmas into the institutions so that inmates can get to know Jesus Christ through different activities and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

  1. Sports and Interest Groups

From time to time, the Association organizes recreational and interest activities where professional volunteers train inmates through small groups. These activities help to build a healthy body, mind and soul.

  1. Letter Ministry

The letter writing volunteers exchange letters with inmates, building relationships through words and shepherding them in faith, listening to their heartfelt words and praying for them.

Volunteer Training

Volunteers are very important resources for us.  Therefore, we have training and development programs in order to harness the talents of the volunteers so they can be fully utilized and minister most effectively in prison ministry.  As the ministry develops, we provide different volunteer training courses to meet the needs of the ministry.